2019 Summer Bucket List

June 05, 2019

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The weather is finally starting to cooperate this week and is finally starting to “feel” like summer.  Plus, the girls are wrapping up their school year so it’s time for us to put together our summer bucket list.  We started this a few years ago to combat the over-scheduled lives that seem to have become our norm but since then it’s become a fun way for us to kick off the summer season.


Since the girls have gotten older, they are fewer camps so having somewhat structured but not scheduled days allows us to savor the summer!  We usually pick about 10 activities that we can easily do as well as work around work days, camp days, and vacations. 


Here is what we have decided for this summer:


  1. Play tourist in the city - We have a few things that we want to do but this will definitely end with a Ghirardelli sundae.
  2. Go rollerskating at Golden Gate Park
  3. Go to an outdoor concert at Stern Grove + bring a picnic lunch
  4. Volunteer
  5. Bike rides on weekends
  6. Find a new trail for a family hike
  7. Rent a convertible and head down to the beach for a day
  8. Start a lettuce garden
  9. Master decorating frosted sugar cookies
  10. Try geocaching


To keep track of our bucket list, we usually write our list of activities on post-it notes and pull off each as it is complete.  Additionally, we commemorate completing each item on the bucket list with a photo and make a summer album out of it :)


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