Birthdays in Quarantine | Keeping them Special!

April 16, 2020

While quarantine may cancel any birthday party plans you had in place, that doesn't mean that you and your family can't have a fun and memorable celebration!

We've compiled our favorite social distance-friendly birthday ideas below including celebrating with friends, decorations, celebratory meals, and day of activities! 

Celebrate with Friends:
Birthdays are historically spent in a group with close friends or family. With social distancing in place, traditional parties are not possible, but you can still celebrate with friends! Here are some tips to celebrating with friends in a safe way!
  1. DRIVE-BY BIRTHDAY: Have friends and family decorate their cars with balloons, signs, and birthday decorations - Organize a time for them to drive by and enjoy the show! (BONUS points go to the drivers with biodegradable confetti or candy to throw to the birthday boy or girl!)
  2. ZOOM DESSERT: Friends may not be able to celebrate on video chat all day long, but setting a time to sing and blow out candles together is a piece of cake! (pun... intended!) Either set your zoom window to "grid view" to see all of your participants or if you have several family members home, zoom friends on different phones and set up around the table.
  3. BYOD: Have friends and family bring their own dessert (BYOD) and drive to an open public area. Park cars more than 6 ft apart and enjoy birthday dessert together on your separate tail gates!
  4. MAIL:  If time differences or availability is an issue for video calls, friends and family can send mail in advance to be collected and opened on the big day! This gives your little more items to open and lets family participate no matter how far away they are.
Backyard camping party idea
Birthday Activities at Home:
  1. BIRTHDAY SCAVENGER HUNT: Rather than opening presents all at once (which can be done in a flash!) extend the fun by creating a present scavenger hunt or a map to find their presents. (and remember to order presents well in advance to make sure items arrive in time!)
  2. BACKYARD CAMP OUT: An at-home campout is a great way to change your surroundings in quarantine and celebrate a new year! Just set up a tent in your back yard (or living room!) and enjoy camping activities - s'mores on the stove, campfire stories, etc.
  3. BIRTHDAY COUNTDOWN: Even if you can't have a party, birthdays are something to look forward to! Making a countdown to the day builds excitement and is a fun craft to make ahead of time
Birthday decorations may not sound like an important part of the day, but changing your surroundings during quarantine specifically for a birthday celebration can liven the spirit and create excitement!
  1. BALLOON AVALANCHE / DOOR DECOR: A special way to start the day is a surprise celebration right when you leave your room! Either decorate the birthday boy or girl's doorway with streamers, balloons, etc. or create a balloon avalanche with these instructions by Fun with Mama
  2. BABY PHOTOS: This one is a pretty self-explanatory activity, but fun nonetheless! Take out baby photos of the birthday kid and tell stories about each age! Whether you write out the stories ahead of time or recall memories on the spot, it's a great way to bond and take a trip down memory lane!
  3. PLAN AHEAD - Make sure to order decorations, presents, or supplies online with plenty of time to spare! Shipments may be slightly behind due to shelter in place and you want to make sure you have everything needed to celebrate in style! 
Celebratory Meals:
  1. HOMEMADE SPECIALTY: Does the birthday boy or girl have a favorite meal that you make them? Or do you have a birthday cake recipe that you've been waiting to try out this quarantine? Whip up something that they LOVE as a special birthday treat!
  2. DELIVERY: If you're not in the mood to cook or bake after decorating all night, order in! Grab their favorite dish from their favorite restaurant and enjoy at home before cake
  3. DESSERT TO GO: If baking isn't your forte, there are many local bakeries who make home deliveries and would love your support. Just make sure to order ahead!

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