Routines & Schedules

September 05, 2013

Routines & Schedules

source: Simple As That

Back-to-school time typically means a new routine for us.  This year is no different.  We are trying out a new system to help keep us organized and stay on top of daily tasks and chores.  For it to work, we knew it had to be simple for it to stick.  The gist of the system is that each girl will get their own chart of daily responsibilities broken up into morning and evening tasks.  Morning tasks are meant to be done before school starts - we limit the morning tasks to only four to streamline getting out the door.  The evening tasks can be spread out and done when they get home from school and/or before bed.  The goal is to complete all tasks. 

The incentive / reward will be their weekly allowance.  In order for them to get their weekly allowance, they will have to complete all tasks.  If they miss a task, they will get the opportunity to choose from a list of makeup activities but it must be done by Saturday for them to get their allowance on Sunday.

School started last week so we implemented this system at the same time.  So far, so good.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this sticks. What are some of the systems that you use to keep your family organized and kids on task?

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